[postlink]https://gustav-javamedia.blogspot.com/2009/11/adobe-photoshop-cs3-top-5-standout-new.html[/postlink]Upon first digging into Adobe Photoshop CS3, a few features have really popped out at me as incredibly useful. I would like to offer a brief overview of some of these new ways of attacking your creative challenges using the latest version of Adobe's flagship app. PsCS3 will run you about $649 to buy it outright if you do not own any previous versions. If you own Photoshop 7, CS, or CS2, you are eligible for upgrade pricing - looks like $199 for the upgrade. Check Adobe's store on their website for more info. For more information about what comes in the different versions of CS3, and what your suite configuration options are, see my previous post.

My current favorite five new PsCS3 features in order are:

1. Nondestructive Smart Filters
2. Quick Selection Tool & Refine Edge
3. Photomerge with advanced alignment and blending
4. Automatic layer alignment and blending
5. Vanishing Point with adjustable angle

Feature Overviews:

* Nondestructive Smart Filters

Adobe has finally given us non-linear, nondestructive filters. Can I just say "HOORAY!" In the past, you applied filters and effects in a linear order: one filter would alter your image, and the second filter would alter your now altered image, and a third filter would alter the altered altered image. The problem with that workflow is that if you decide you want to slightly tweak the second filter, you'd have to either undo back to that point (losing your subsequent edits), or use the history palette to step directly "back in time" to the point before you added the second filter, add your "revised" second filter and then add your third manually. All too often, you don't quite remember what exact parameters you had set on that third one - or worse, your real world project involved applying 20 filters instead of the 3 in my example and changing the second filter would mean redoing the 18 that follow it. What a drag. Because of this issue, people developed many work arounds (often involving saving off multiple "partially completed" versions of files all over your hard drive with iterative file names, hoping that if you needed to go back to a certain point in time you'd be able to figure out where you needed to be), and while these workarounds were clever and well-conceived in many cases, there was a perfect, real solution, waiting to happen.

The real solution to all this is what we have been given in CS3: Nondestructive Smart Filters. In this new version, each filter and effect that you apply to a layer, remains live and continually re-editable, in real time, and the parameters that you adjust will all cascade down through whatever subsequent filters or effects you might have added to your layer. These are savable, movable, copy and pastable, and most importantly scalable.

* Quick Selection tool & Refine Edge

A design mentor of mine once told me "Photoshop is all about the selection. You select something, and then you do something with the selection. Nothing more, nothing less. Remember that, and you'll never go wrong using this app." Almost 10 years later, I must say she was absolutely correct. Using Photoshop is all about "the selection." There are more tools in Photoshop for selecting than for any other single task.

As in just about every version of Photoshop that has ever been released, CS3 has made even greater strides in the area of "making your selection" than comes to memory in recent years. The new Quick Selection Tool used in combination with the Refine Edge palette is about the most helpful and clean way of selecting the edges of an object in your image that I have ever seen. This new revised Quick Selection tool is so smooth. You basically set the parameters of your Quick Selection tool - as if it were a brush - and paint the general area of your image edges (like trying to select just a kid and his soccer ball out of the photo of the big game) and Photoshop is watching what you do, and interpreting what you consider to be the general edges of what you are wanting to select and it figures out what's kid and ball and what's grass and goal posts and sky and crowd and selects just what you want it to. It's VERY fast and clean. Then, you can invoke the Refine Edge palette, and you have seemingly infinite control over exactly how the edges of that selection behave. Check out the palette to the right to get an idea of what you could do to "refine" that edge. With radius, feathering, smoothing, and various display settings, I believe this new combo will cut down on my masking and selecting time in a quantifiable way.

* Photomerge with advanced alignment and blending

Ever tried to stitch together a series of images that you took, that you intended to "put together" into a panorama? Even with some of the stand alone tools that have been available over the years—even those for doing quicktime VR's—are clunky and difficult to use - with mixed results at times. I have always wanted something built into Photoshop to let me do these "photo merges" - I never expected that Photoshop would actually be able to automatically do it for me. This feature floored me. The technologies involved in my number four choice "Automatic layer alignment and blending" are at work here in this feature as well, and the new auto layer alignment features in CS3 are far-reaching and crop up again and again in different areas of the application. It's really one of the revolutionary things about this new version.

All of the things that have made making panoramas a difficult task in the past are all done automatically. The primary among these being 1. those times when you have to actually distort, rotate, skew or transform one of your elements because the perspective is screwy, 2. those times when the sun or lighting or a window made the white balance, color space or over all wash of brightness and contrast different from one image to the next (especially when doing 360's) and of course 3. actually finding and aligning those overlapping areas of consecutive elements. Photoshop CS3 does these all for you and with surprisingly amazing results. It's not just about the typical "panorama" either... I saw a demo of someone standing "too close" to a building, and taking pictures zoomed all the way out, of the front door, windows and window-boxes, front brick walk way, tilting upward and taking a picture of the balcony and roof line of the second floor - in other words, many elements that were WAY out of whack in terms of perspective, lighting and color space, and these 4 or 5 images were distorted, tweaked, rotated, matched, blended, lighting and color density matched... and I was amazed in like 5 seconds, there was this "wide angle" almost "fisheye" photomerge of the front of the building, from brick walkway to roof-line, and it looked incredible.

* Automatic layer alignment and blending

Another powerful application of this new alignment and blending technology is with a series or stack of images of the same subject. Let's say you wanted to take a picture of a statue in a park somewhere, or a huge fountain, or the front of a monument or building. There are always people walking through the frame - if you can't close down the area and still need a picture of the statue, in the park, in it's beautiful setting, but with no people or birds or random elements - what are you to do? In the past, it was a painstaking process of shooting a bunch of images, selecting the "closest" one to your vision of a nice, clean, tourist-less frame, and begin the hours and hours of painting, cloning, healing, brushing etc., to remove all of your "randoms." There are artists who are very good at this process, but I'm fairly certain they would agree that if there was a way to not have to spend all that time, they'd take it. Well, it's here. Photoshop CS3 can take your stack of images and by analyzing all of them, figure out which things are permanent (things that appear in all the images like that building in the distance, the big tree, the sidewalk, and which parts of the image are obscured in one of the frames but not all of them, are healed automatically by borrowing pixels from other images in the stack and building an advanced composite of all the images and doing 90% or more of the work for you. There's even a set of "fuzziness" sliders letting you say "eleminate things that are in X% of the images in the stack or less." This is so impressive to see in action. You have to try it on some of your own images. It's really hard to believe that it's this easy to do this sort of process now. This is one of those new areas that I'm sure we'll see artists finding incredibly creative ways to utilize this feature. Again, this one floored me when I first saw it.

* Vanishing Point with adjustable angle

One of the most powerful new features of Adobe CS2 was the vanishing point feature. One limitation it had was that you only had one set of right angles to work with in the vanishing point interface. Adobe took it one exponential step further by adding multiple, adjustable angle perspective planes to this vanishing point feature. What this enables you to do is copy, paste and clone in far more complex image planes than just the "clone parts of a building in perspective" job that the first iteration of this feature offered (impressive and powerful, but not very flexible). One of the big examples Adobe is pushing with this feature is to simulate 3D packaging and work on multiple planes at various angles in the same image. Like an open box for a new product, or even for experimenting with your final package art by seeing it in its real-world context. Again I think this feature has so many far reaching implications for inventors, prototypers, 3D modelers, visual effects artists... and can give Photoshop artists the ability to render full blown mockups of product packaging art for clients in a whole new way - getting us to sign-off, green-light and on to the next project at hand much more quickly. I like that a lot.

There are numerous new features in the application, especially when you dig down deep into the Photoshop Extended editions (sounds like a Peter Jackson DVD...) and as the week progresses here, I'd like to look into some of what PsCS3 Extended has to offer. The versions of PsCS3 that are available are the Film & Video, Medical & Science, AEC (Architecture, Engineering & Construction), and Manufacturing editions.

Adobe Photoshop CS3: Top 5 Standout New Features

[postlink]https://gustav-javamedia.blogspot.com/2009/11/adding-videos-to-your-blog-or-personal.html[/postlink]These days, people are interested in building their connections thereby increasing the number of people or friends in their circle. This could help them make more friends with people who are from other parts of the world. Ever since the internet was introduced, it has taken over our lives and we now carry out every possible activity on this platform. If a person creates a personal space on the internet or is into blogging, they can promote work and use to browse for funny images and watch funny video clips. Not only do they make you popular among your peer group, this is a way to share new websites with each other.

Blogging has become a rage these days with almost everyone owning a blog URL, which is like a personal diary, except it is maintained online. For some it is a way to express their inner feelings and jot them down on a daily basis. Others it’s a platform that allows them to showcase their talent and invite new business opportunities and these people are referred to as Bloggers. When we surf the net, we look for humor related sites or those that have funny pictures and videos in them. This is a way to break the monotony of the busy day and enjoy those few moments of laughter. There are many sites that have funny videos in them, and if a person desires, he can embed these videos into personal blogs. All they have to do is copy the html tag given with the video and post it on their blog and it will remain up there for all visitors who stop by and enjoy a good laugh.

Among the many networking sites that have come about, MySpace is the third most popular in the United States and the sixth in the world. A place where you can make friends, get to know people from across the world, impart information about you and look for job options is what this is. You can put up your blog URL, any pictures and funny videos you wish to share with others and they would get noticed instantly. It is a way of drawing attention to oneself through which the member can leverage on the features offered at MySpace.

The Flash videos available on various sites are videos created as Windows Media or MPEG files, and later converted to flash. The reason flash players are the new wave in video media, is that they offer more GUIs than the old players. GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. Simply put, the controls you see in flash players are created in flash, and are unlimited. Flash players are also very popular because most computers have a built-in Flash player, making these videos available to everyone online.

Once you have embedded the code onto your page, you can watch your favorite funny video clips by simply clicking on the screenshot on the page. The flash player also enables the viewers to navigate to the source link to watch more funny videos. The same applies to those crazy funny pictures that capture hilarious moments in time. Why not share your crazy pictures with groups all over the world by uploading them to your blog or favorite social networking site? Venues like MySpace and blogs allow the users to join groups based on subjects of their preference and share their funny images and videos with their friends. It is human nature to want to share, especially good, funny things and that is exactly what these sites offer. It only takes a few minutes to leave your impression of humor on thousands of people online.

Adding Videos To Your Blog Or Personal Space

[postlink]https://gustav-javamedia.blogspot.com/2009/11/guide-to-free-screensavers.html[/postlink]There are millions of Screensavers available on the Internet. Almost all of these can be downloaded and installed easily. These are usually categorized according to themes. Nature lovers can choose picturesque locations. Fish lovers can choose from different kinds of aquariums with multi-colored fish that are swishing through colored water. Those who really like adventure sports or aircraft can choose from a wide array of moving images and clips of death-defying stunts. Screensavers can also be slide shows that have various pictures of movie celebrities, sportspersons and politicians.

However, some precautions need to be taken before downloading Screensavers. The most important one is that Screensavers must be downloaded from trusted sites. It’s also always a good idea to scan Screensavers for viruses and other potentially dangerous elements, such as spyware and adware. If an anti-virus is already installed on the system, a right click enables a menu which provides for a ‘scan with…’ option. This option can be selected and left-clicked to check the selected download before double-clicking it and installing it.

Sometimes Screensavers are extremely graphic-intensive. This means that they contain so many graphics that they are huge files. Huge files take a lot of space on the computer when they run, and make the computer work so much harder and so much faster than normal that the computer freezes. Then the computer needs to be restarted and all the unsaved information on the computer -- such as open files that were being worked on before the Screensaver was activated – is lost.

Some Screensavers also make the hard drive of the computer crash, causing irretrievable data loss. Therefore, it is important for users to download Screensavers that are compatible with the configuration of their computers. This means that the speed of the processor in the computer, and the free space on it, should be sufficient for the Screensaver to be downloaded, installed and run.

Many users like to create their own Screensavers, often with the visuals and audio of their choice. Some software applications facilitate this. Out of these, some can be freely downloaded from the Internet. However, these should be downloaded only from trusted sites, and should be supported by the configuration of the user’s computer. Once downloaded, these should also be scanned for viruses and other common infections. When installed, these programs enable the user to combine images, video clips and audio clips to create a personalized Screensaver, sometimes even for circulation amongst friends and family.

A Guide To Free Screensavers

[postlink]https://gustav-javamedia.blogspot.com/2009/11/guide-to-computer-aided-design.html[/postlink]Computer Aided Design (CAD) is a form of software automation that uses various computer-aided design tools that helps engineers, architects and other professionals in the design activity purposes. It is considered to be both software and special-purpose hardware. In product lifecycle management, the use of geometric tools plays a significant role. The CAD is available in various packages ranging from 2D vector based drafting systems to 3D parametric surface and solid design modelers.

CAD allows you to prepare fast and accurate drawings. Virtually anything can be constructed and built as a design model developed in the CAD system. The flexibility to alter the drawings is performed very easily with a minimal effort. It is also referred as Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD). It is sometimes translated as computer-assisted or computer-aided drafting. The tool provides you a better and the faster way of developing the drawings with better creativity.

CAD is used in major areas like applications that involve computer graphics, computer- aided manufacturing, solid modeling, solving by constraints, architectural purpose and VLSI design. Other fields that use the CAD are Architecture Engineering and Construction, Building Engineering (AEC), Mechanical CAD (MCAD), Electronic and Electrical (ECAD), manufacturing process planning, and digital circuit design.

CAD uses four basic phases that are used for designing and manufacturing. They are the requirement phase which collects the basic requirements and conceives the basic idea. The designing phase uses detailed component modeling and assembly modeling. The development phase uses engineering drawings. The tool design is used in the manufacturing phase.

Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), CAD/CAM applications, CAD scanners, CAD resources, and the software used by these computer-aided techniques all enable the drawing to be developed quickly and easily. General purpose CAD software, 3D rendering software, CAD/CAM software, facility management CAD, architectural CAD software, solid modeling CAD software and Mechanical CAD (MCAD) are the major computer-aided software applications that are used.

A Guide To Computer Aided Design

[postlink]https://gustav-javamedia.blogspot.com/2009/11/guide-of-outlook-express-backup.html[/postlink]Most small companies and home users don’t need to buy an expensive solution for data backup. They can simply copy important files to a CD or DVD, and if an information loss occurs, they can get it back easily.
If it is simply to copy documents, photos and other files, not the same is for emails, attachments, address book, stationery and other related information from your Outlook Express email client.
This article will explain how everybody can create a manual Outlook Express backup copy (because Outlook Express don’t offer a built in backup function) This email program is usually installed with the Windows operating system and is probably among the most commonly used email programs today.

1. Backup email messages
In Outlook Express, emails are stored in files with DBX extension. The easiest way to find these files is to open Outlook Express and from menu select Tools | Options | Maintenance and click the Store Folder button. Here you can find the path to the folder containing your emails.
This procedure works for all kind of email: SMTP / POP3, IMAP, MAPI, or even the Hotmail Account (some messages might be stored only at the Hotmail server).
To save all your emails and attachments you should copy all the DBX files from the folder.

2. Account settings:
Details about your mail and news accounts are stored in the registry. To find them, start RegEdit and select the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Account Manager” key from the left panel. To save this data, from menu select: Registry | Export Registry File. Save the file to a name like "accounts.reg".

3. Mail Rules
The Outlook Express mail rules are stored in the registry, in the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities” key. To save this data, from menu select: Registry | Export Registry File. Save the file to a name like "rules.reg".

4. Address Book
The backup of address book is easy to do. It is stored in files with WBA extension. To find the location where address book is stored, you should open Outlook Express and from menu select File | Export | Address Book and select the comma separated text file as your output format. Click Export, select the folder where the backup will be saved and set the name for the backup file. After that click Next and choose the fields you want to include in your backup. Click Finish and your backup will be ready.

5. Stationery
The Outlook Express stationery location is stored in a registry key. To find it, you should open RegEdit, find “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Stationery” key and look at “Stationery Folder” value. There you will find the path to stationery folder. To save the stationery, you should copy all files from that folder.

If you think that manual backup is too hard, you can use a backup software tool, which can make the job much easier. Outlook Express Backup Expert is one product that can be used to easily create Outlook Express backups. It can save your emails, attachments, address book, signatures, blocked list, mail rules, stationery, accounts and settings. The biggest advantage to use automatic email backup software is the schedule function, which will create backups at specified time intervals, without user action. The downside of using a automatic email backup utility is that it costs money, usually about 20-30 USD as one time payment, while the manual backups are of course, free.
The conclusion is that email backup is a critical operation for every user.

A free evaluation copy of Outlook Express Backup Expert can be found at: http://www.bodrag.com/outlook-express-backup.html

A guide of Outlook Express backup


MINNEAPOLIS – The first officer of the Northwest Airlines jet that missed its destination by 150 miles says he and the captain were not sleeping or arguing in the cockpit but he wouldn't explain their lapse in response and the detour.

"It was not a serious event, from a safety issue," pilot Richard Cole said late Friday in front of his Salem, Ore., home. "I would tell you more, but I've already told you way too much."

Air traffic controllers and pilots had tried for more than an hour Wednesday night to contact the Minneapolis-bound flight. Officials on the ground alerted National Guard jets to prepare to chase the airliner, though none of the military planes left the runway.

The jet with 144 passengers aboard was being closely monitored by senior White House officials, White House spokesman Nick Shapiro told The Associated Press on Saturday. He didn't say if President Barack Obama was informed.

Many aviation safety experts and pilots say the most likely explanation is that the pilots fell asleep along their route from San Diego. NTSB spokesman Keith Holloway said fatigue and cockpit distraction are factors that will be looked into.

"We were not asleep; we were not having an argument; we were not having a fight," Cole said, but would not discuss why it took so long for him and the flight's captain, Timothy B. Cheney, of Gig Harbor, Wash., to respond to radio calls.

"I can tell you that airplanes lose contact with the ground people all the time. It happens. Sometimes they get together right away; sometimes it takes awhile before one or the other notices that they are not in contact."

The FAA said Friday letters had been sent informing the pilots they are being investigated by the agency and it is possible their pilot's licenses could be suspended or revoked.

Investigators were in the process Saturday of scheduling interviews with the pilots, Holloway said, and audio from the cockpit voice recorder was downloaded at NTSB headquarters on Friday.

But they may not glean much from it. While new recorders retain as much as two hours of cockpit conversation and other noise, the older model aboard Northwest's Flight 188 includes just the last 30 minutes — only the very end of the flight after the pilots realized their error over Wisconsin.

The NTSB recommended a decade ago that airlines be required to have two-hour cockpit voice recorders. The standard has been 15- to 30-minute recorders.

Last year, the Federal Aviation Administration issued a rule requiring airplanes and helicopters seating 10 or more people to have the 2-hour audio recordings, but gave the industry time to comply. Aircraft made after March 2010 must come equipped with longer recorders, though many manufacturers have already been including them. Existing planes have until March 2012 to comply.

The FAA rule doesn't require cockpit video recordings, which the NTSB had also recommended. Pilots opposed the video recordings.

Northwest, which was acquired last year by Delta Air Lines, is also investigating the incident. Cheney and Cole have been suspended. Messages left at Cheney's home were not returned.

The pilots passed breathalyzer tests and were apologetic after the flight, according to a police report released Friday. Cheney and Cole had just started their work week and were coming off a 19-hour layover, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported Saturday, citing an internal Northwest document it said was described to the newspaper.

The police report said that the crew indicated they had been having a heated discussion about airline policy.

Pilot who overshot airport denies crew was napping


yes, Windows 7 didn't even hit the market until Thursday. But that hasn't stopped a fog of myths from enveloping the newest version of the much loved--and much hated--PC operating system from Microsoft.

[Slide Show: The Best of What's New in Windows 7.]

The software giant hoped that wide exposure to Windows 7 would help smooth its entry. Microsoft let millions of consumers and professionals download test versions of the operating system. And by a wide margin, testers have found the new system to be the best yet from Microsoft. Version 7 is leaner, more useful, and prettier than past editions--a worthy effort to update the Windows world.

Still, the fictions are legion. Much of it is innocent confusion that accompanies any major software release. Some of it arises from Microsoft apologists trying to bury the botched release of Windows Vista, sniping Apple fans who want the Mac to continue gaining market share, or diehard techies who revere free Linux software.

[Why some analysts argue that Linux is better than Windows or the Mac.]

With so much misinformation swirling, we've sorted through seven points that are confusing consumers:

1. It's only a minor update to Vista. Overstated, but there is some truth. With Win7, Microsoft had the luxury of going back to basics. Vista was a massive effort to update the core of Windows. The edition following Vista didn't have to be as ambitious. Programmers could focus on the edges of Vista, reducing its hardware-hog tendencies and annoying security nags. But Microsoft went further, adding consumer-friendly functions to paint Windows 7 as an upgrade. HomeGroups greatly simplify home networking, libraries organize jumbled collections of files, and multifinger power makes touch screens more powerful. Aero Peek allows users to roll over 10 or 20 open windows in a flash, proving that Apple isn't the only company that can make computing easier and more fun.

[Even the name suggests that Windows 7 is a return to basics.]

2. Vista users need to upgrade. The Vista launch was painful. The system nagged consumers with unnecessary security concerns, didn't support enough of the hardware that plugs into PCs, and was too bloated to run decently on some hardware advertised as "Vista ready." But most Vista users are past those problems. If they have a system that's working well, Windows 7 offers nothing that's compelling enough to make the switch. Upgrading an operating system costs users in dollars, time, and frustration. Vista is a good operating system--one that's secure and stable. Windows 7 offers nifty new features and runs more quickly. Gamers and power users would appreciate the bump in speed. But most users wouldn't notice a big difference as they surf the Web, write E-mail, and maybe edit a photo or two.

[Microsoft hopefully learned its lessons in the dismal mistakes of Vista's launch.]

3. Windows XP is still better. WinXP ran faster than Vista on many, if not all, computers. It also was more compatible with existing equipment, particularly scanners, printers, and other peripherals. But Microsoft spent years working to make Vista's core more stable and secure, and the company succeeded. Buggy software that runs on a Vista PC is much less likely to cause problems with the rest of the system, resulting in many fewer "Blue Screens of Death." Windows 7 has all those benefits of Vista while also running as fast as, if not faster than, Windows XP. Another consideration is that some companies that make PC hardware and software have already stopped making versions for XP. That trend will accelerate if Win7 proves to be the hit that is promises to be.

4. Windows XP users can't upgrade. It's true that Microsoft has not made it easy to move from WinXP to Win7. If installed over Vista, Win7 will transfer software, settings, and data. Not so with Windows XP. All is not lost, however. XP users can find third-party software that eases the transition. "PCMover Upgrade Assistant" ($30) from LapLink preserves most software, settings, and data when users upgrade their XP machine to Win7, what's called an "in-place upgrade." No need to copy files to an external drive or to reinstall programs. There can be hiccups. Installed programs might need to be reactivated with a call to the manufacturer. But it's relatively painless. And WinXP users qualify for the upgrade prices that Microsoft offers for Win7, rather than having to buy a "full" version.

5. It's too expensive. The price of Windows 7 may seem unreasonable, considering it is a derivative of Vista and Microsoft is charging nearly as much for Win7 as it does for Vista. The Home Premium version, which is what most consumers will want, costs $119 for upgrading to Win7, versus $129 for Vista. The discount seems particularly thin when viewing Win7 as a fix to Vista's problems. But happy Vista users don't have much reason to upgrade (see No. 2). For Windows XP users, the upgrade cost is fair. Plus, for homes with multiple PCs, which seem to be a majority these days, Microsoft is offering a Family Pack that will upgrade three PCs for $150. That's a good deal for homes that can use it.

6. The initial release will be a mess. It's always safer to wait for new software to get tested in the market, and for Microsoft to release the inevitable fixes. But the pedigree of Windows 7 suggests that the problems will be fewer this time. Many bugs and hardware issues were worked out with Vista. For example, Microsoft worked to make sure that hardware drivers for Vista will also work for Win7. Problems will undoubtedly crop up, but they're unlikely to affect the core of the operating system, which also remains largely true to the battle-tested Vista. Win7 at the start seems to be one of the least risky system upgrades to make.

7. Mac users should abandon Apple. The Mac is still the standard for a computer that "just works." Apple has more control over the end product because it also assembles and sells the hardware. The Mac system is also more secure, if for no other reason than that a smaller market share makes a smaller target for criminals. Windows has to run on any batch of hardware that a maker or user throws together. That's one reason Windows requires more tinkering. But Windows also comes from a culture that is more influenced by techies who like tinkering and think everyone else does. Macs cost more. But they also benefit from the aura of success that surrounds the iPhone and iPod. Windows 7 may cut into the momentum behind the Mac, but it alone is unlikely to reverse Apple's gains.

7 Myths About Windows 7


MANILA, Philippines – Living up to its name, Typhoon Lupit — meaning cruel in Filipino — zigzagged around the rain-soaked northern Philippines on Friday, keeping weary residents on edge and forecasters guessing about its next move.

The third successive storm in a month has been hovering for several days near the coast and inland mountains, sending thousands to seek shelter following two back-to-back typhoons that killed nearly 1,000 people, most of them buried in dozens of mudslides.

Lupit's erratic direction baffled forecasters and frustrated the local media who kept predicting its landfall every day. The weather bureau said in a nationally televised briefing Thursday evening that Lupit would ram into northeastern Cagayan province early Friday.

After crawling for the last two days, it barreled on course to hit shore then stalled again Friday, delaying landfall by another day — or two, or three, said chief forecaster Nathaniel Cruz.

The reason is two high-pressure areas that sandwiched Lupit from the South China Sea in the west and the Pacific Ocean in the east, each pulling the storm in its direction, Cruz said.

Typhoons usually slice through the northern Philippines from the Pacific and exit through the South China Sea. The archipelago nation, known as the welcome mat for typhoons, gets about 20 a year during the rainy season from June to December.

Lupit weakened overnight and was packing winds of 75 miles (120 kilometers) per hour and gusts of up to 93 mph (150 kph), Cruz said. It was still a dangerous system that could drench the north of the main island of Luzon on the heels of the worst flooding in the Philippines in 40 years.

Tropical Storm Ketsana on Sept. 26 inundated much of the capital, Manila, and surrounding areas, including the country's largest Lake Laguna, killing 464 people. It was followed by Typhoon Parma, which unleashed mudslides along the Cordillera mountain range Oct. 3, leaving 465 dead.

For the past week, army troops and disaster-relief officials have ferried tons of canned food and clothes and moved rubber boats and helicopters along the coast and the interior.

At least 1,500 residents living along the Cagayan River and its tributaries were moved to high ground, said provincial Gov. Alvaro Antonio. Another 1,000 people left their homes in Appari township, including some 200 after a wave surge collapsed a 65-feet (20-meter) high sea wall in San Antonio village early this week.

Erratic typhoon keeps Philippines on edge


NEW YORK (Reuters) – Microsoft Corp launched Windows 7 on Thursday, its most important release in more than a decade, aiming to win back customers disappointed by Vista and strengthen its grip on the PC market.

The world's largest software company, which powers more than 90 percent of personal computers, has received good reviews for the new operating system, which it hopes will grab back the impetus in new technology from rivals Apple Inc and Google Inc.

"They met expectations but that was pretty much it," said Michael Gartenberg, a long-time Microsoft analyst at market research firm Interpret after a launch event in New York. "They showed off some very cool things, but now they have to keep the momentum going."

The new system -- which is faster, less cluttered and has new touch-screen features -- comes almost three years after the launch of Vista, whose complexity frustrated many home users and turned off business customers.

The success of Windows -- which accounts for more than half of Microsoft's profit -- is crucial for Chief Executive Steve Ballmer to revive the company's image as the world's most important software company.

"Windows 7 is a chance for us to let the PC be not only more interesting but just simpler and faster for the many, many hundreds of millions of people who use them," Ballmer told Reuters Television in an interview on Thursday.


Ballmer and other executives demonstrated at the event a range of new devices showing off Windows 7, from ultra-slim laptops to large touch-screen computers, highlighting a new Kindle book-reading application from Amazon.com Inc and live-streaming CBS television shows.

Crowds lined up overnight to see the new software and check out the latest PCs at the first branded Microsoft store, which opened on Thursday in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Microsoft is charging $199.99 for the Home Premium version of Windows 7, or $119.99 for users seeking to upgrade from older versions of the operating system -- well below comparable prices for Vista.

It also has a range of offers in conjunction with retailer Best Buy Co Inc and PC makers such as Dell Inc and Acer Inc.

The U.S. holiday season will soon reveal whether consumer PC sales get a kick from Windows 7, but success with corporations -- the key to Microsoft's financial power -- will not be clear until next year, analysts say.

Windows 7 sales will not immediately impact the bottom line of Microsoft, which is expected to post a lower quarterly profit on Friday.

The company's shares closed up 1 cent at $26.59 on Nasdaq. They are up 79 percent since early March. (For a graphic showing major Windows releases and Microsoft's share price, click on http://graphics.thomsonreuters.com/109/US_MSFT1009.gif)


Global PC sales rose 2.3 percent in the third quarter compared with a year ago, according to research firm IDC, after two quarters of declines.

Market-watchers are betting on further recovery of computer sales next year, as the economy improves and businesses replace old machines, but opinion is divided on how strong the impact of Windows 7 will be.

"It's the chance to encourage corporations to update their computers, to get families to upgrade or put in a second or third computer," Ballmer told Reuters TV. "I am optimistic, but we have the economy."

That won't necessarily happen, said Brendan Barnicle at Pacific Crest Securities.

"What's going to be really interesting is whether this spurs a hardware replacement cycle or it's just a Windows replacement cycle," said Barnicle, who estimates that more than 820 million PCs across the world run Windows.

(Reporting by Bill Rigby; Additional reporting by Jim Finkle, Wojtek Dabrowski, Bobbi Rebell and Gabriel Madway; Editing by Tiffany Wu, Richard Chang and Carol Bishopric)

Microsoft launches Windows 7, eyes PC sales rebound


PESHAWAR, Pakistan – Police say a bomb blast has ripped through the parking lot of a restaurant in northwestern city of Peshawar.

Police chief Liaqat Ali Khan told The Associated Press that eight people have been wounded.

The restaurant, which has a swimming pool and other facilities for social gatherings, also serves as a recreational center for people in the troubled city.

Earlier in the morning, a suicide bomber struck a checkpoint near a major air force complex in northwest Pakistan, killing seven people.

Pakistan: 2 bombs kill 7, wound 8


MIAMI (AFP) – Driven by fluctuations in oil prices, and seduced by the prospect of easing climate change, experts are ramping up efforts to squeeze fuel out of a promising new organism: pond scum.

As it turns out, algae -- slimy, fast-growing and full of fat -- is gaining ground as a potential renewable energy source.

Experts say it is intriguing for its ability to gobble up carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, while living happily in places that aren't needed for food crops.

Algae likes mosquito-infested swamps, for example, filthy pools, and even waste water. And while no one has found a way to mass produce cheap fuel from algae yet, the race is on.

University labs and start-up companies across the country are getting involved. Over the summer, the first mega-corporation joined in, when ExxonMobil said it would sink 600 million dollars into algae research in a partnership with a California biotechnology company.

If the research pans out, scientists say they will eventually find a cost-effective way to convert lipids from algae ponds into fuel, then pump it into cars, trucks and jets.

"I think it's very realistic. I don't think it's going to take 20 years. It's going to take a few years," said chemical engineer George Philippidis, director of applied research at Florida International University in Miami.

One of the factors fueling enthusiasm is algae's big appetite for carbon dioxide -- a by-product of burning fossil fuels.

"We could hook up to the exhaust of polluting industries," Philippidis said. "We could capture it and feed it to algae and prevent that CO2 from contributing to further climate change."

California company Sapphire Energy has already fueled a cross-country road trip with algae-tinged gasoline.

The trip, meant to raise awareness, prompted the headline, "Coast to Coast on Slime". Another California company is looking at fattening fish on algae and then processing the fish for oil.

"Where algae is very nice is, it's prolific. It's everywhere... and you don't have to do much. Mother Nature has kind of figured it out," said Roy Swiger, a molecular geneticist and director of the Florida division of the non-profit Midwest Research Institute.

MRI began studying algae as an energy source three years ago. Swiger warned that algal fuels are not ready for prime time yet. Even though algae grows like gangbusters, it currently costs up to 100 dollars to make a gallon of algal fuel-- hardly a savings.

The rub is bringing cost down, and production up. To do this, scientists must find cheap ways to dry algae and extract the lipids, where energy is stored.

Swiger noted that it would not make sense to spend five dollars of electricity to run a centrifuge to dry out algae, that in turn would only produce one dollar of fuel.

If research goes well, Swiger thinks it will take five years to bring down production costs to 40 dollars per gallon.

But taking even a tiny chunk out of the energy market -- ethanol has eked out a 4.0 percent share, for example -- can shift the energy mix.

"Four percent is not a lot, and yet everywhere you look there's a pump," Swiger said. "So four percent of a gigantic number is a lot."

Some start-ups are more optimistic. Paul Woods, chief executive of Florida-based Algenol Biofuels, says his company will beat others to market.

He has patented a technology for "sweating" ethanol from algae, without drying it first.

"We see ourselves as a very cheap way to supplement (energy supply)," said Woods, "and the more cheap ethanol we have, the more we're winning in efforts to have independence from foreign fuel."

Woods announced a partnership with Dow Chemical in July to build a demonstration plant, and expects to launch commercial production by 2011.

Experts don't see algal fuel replacing fossil fuels completely, and some have become leery of hype.

The idea of harnessing algae for fuel has been around for decades, they say. Still, no one has been able to make it financially feasible.

"Any fantastic claims will eventually discredit the field if given much credence," said algae expert John Benemann.

Instead, he sees algae as a good source for animal feeds, chemicals and fertilizer.

Back at FIU, Philippidis agreed "there is no silver bullet" to reduce dependency on fossil fuels.

But he saw promise on the horizon, especially as larger companies become involved in algae research. "We are still at an early stage... but as we scale up (production) I think costs will come down very, very quickly," he said.

And if that works, he added, "there is a small Greek island I would like to buy."

Algae may be secret weapon in climate change war


Dozens of homes in Pandeglang district, Banten, were damaged after a 6.4 magnitude quake struck the Sunda Strait on Friday afternoon, local police said.

The temblor caused buildings to shake some 187 kilometers away in Jakarta.

The quake struck 185 kilometers from Sukabumi, at a depth of 53.7 kilometers, according to the US Geological Survey. The USGS initially assigned it a magnitude of 6.5 but later downgraded it to 6.1. No tsunami warning was issued.

“We have lightly damaged homes,” said Banten Police Chief Pandeglang AKBP Aminudin.

He said there were reports of damage in a market and a primary school building. In one home, a kitchen wall reportedly collapsed, as well as a roof.

“We are still waiting for more data from officers in the field,” he said, adding that so far, they had not received casualty reports.

In Cilegon, on the West Java coast, residents said that there were powerful tremors, but there was no evidence of damage.

Officials at Ujung Kulon National Park said there did not appear to be any damage to the 1,200-square-kilometer reserve. PT Krakatau Steel’s plant in Banten province was reportedly unaffected.

The tremor was felt at between II and IV MMI in Jakarta. This level is considered to pose a relatively low threat to buildings and other structures, said Suharjono, head of the seismology center at the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

People fled high-rise buildings in Jakarta during the quake.

Robert Simanungkalit and his girlfriend were on the 10th floor of Plaza Semanggi when the quake hit. “We ran down the emergency stairs,” he said.

Suharjono said it was impossible to know whether this was related to the one that struck West Sumatra earlier this month.

6.4 Magnitude Quake Rocks Banten and Jakarta

Security video footage released on Friday shows a baby stroller suddenly rolling off the edge of a station platform and onto the tracks in front of an oncoming train in Ashburton, Australia. The train pushed the stroller about 40 meters along the tracks before it stopped. The baby boy survived with only minor injuries. (Photo: Connex, AP)

A 6-month-old baby has miraculously survived a train hitting his stroller, which rolled onto the tracks when his mother let go for an instant.

The escape was captured on security camera footage that shows the red, three-wheeled stroller plunging off a station platform just as the commuter train pulls in, and the mother's panicked lunge to grab it.

The train pushed the stroller about 130 feet (40 meters) along the tracks before it stopped, but it did not go under the train.

The baby, who was strapped into the stroller, received only a bump on the head.

Police said they released the video, which was captured last Thursday at a suburban station in the southern city of Melbourne, to underscore the need for people to be extra safety conscious when using the train system.

The dramatic footage led news bulletins across Australia and was shown internationally, and on YouTube. Police have not identified the mother, who wished to remain anonymous, and say the incident was an accident.

"It's amazing how many people get too close to the tracks despite the dangers," Sgt. Michael Ferwerda told reporters. "We've had a lucky escape and it is a chance for commuters to heed warnings to be more careful."

The security footage shows the mother stopping on the platform with the stroller facing the tracks. She lets go of the stroller's handle without applying the brake, and appears to hitch her pants with both hands. The stroller's front wheel drifts toward the track, and the stroller rolls toward the edge, flipping over as it hits the tracks.

The mother spots it just before it pitches over the side, and lunges forward — too late. The train pulls into the station, and the mother clutches her face in apparent panic and devastation.

As the train stops, onlookers rush forward.

The whole incident took about seven seconds. Paramedic Jon Wright said the baby received only minor injuries and was returned to his mother within a few minutes of the accident occurring.

"Apparently he needed a feed and a nap," Wright was quoted as saying by the Sun Herald newspaper. "Luckily he was strapped into his pram at the time, which probably saved his life. I think the child's extremely lucky."

Connex, the privately owned train operator said the driver was being offered counseling for possible trauma caused by the incident.

Baby Survives After Stroller Hit By Train in Australia


Ubud. Government officials moved on Friday to quell local unrest at the filming of actress Julia Robert’s new movie “Eat, Pray, Love” in Bali.

Locals said an earlier-than-scheduled arrival of the film crew took them by surprise.

Dozens of trucks and transport cars lined the rice fields of Banjar Bentuyung as, in the distance, the unusual sight of movie lights illuminated the location of shooting underway beside a farmhouse in the middle of the fields.

A small number of police and soldiers guarded the filming while a stretch of road in Ubud blocked off cars, though motorcycles were allowed through.

In a hastily arranged news conference at the shooting location on Friday afternoon, Gianyar district head Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati — flanked by police and village chiefs — said tempers among villagers the previous day had been calmed and there were no longer difficulties.

“It was a communication failure and now there is no problem,” he said.

When asked by the Jakarta Globe how much money the production company paid the villagers, Tjokorda said six villages had each received Rp 10 million (US$1,064).

On Thursday, dozens of people in the area protested over what they said was the film production company’s failure to pay them a promised Rp 300 million ($32,240) for use of their land for filming.

However, on Friday, Bentuyung chief Ketut Calpin told the Jakarta Globe that the sum was a request from the villagers and was not a promise from the film company.

He said the local arm of the production firm had initially informed them that shooting would begin at the beginning of November, but that they turned up without notice and local villagers were taken unawares.

“We had no time to publicize their arrival to the locals, because the film crew was already here. We couldn’t advise them of the shooting dates, that the road would be closed and so on,” Calpin said.

“They arrived three days before Galungan . We had no time to do anything as we were preparing for the festival,” he said, adding that his village had received Rp 10 million for permission to park in the fields.

The twice-annual Hindu festival that lasts for three days fell on Wednesday this week.

A group of local men working on the construction of a nearby shed on Friday said they had taken part in Thursday’s protest and they had requested Rp 300 million from the film company.

Bali is the final leg of shooting for “Eat, Pray, Love” based on the spiritually themed book by American journalist Elizabeth Gilbert, following locations in Italy and India.

The Gianyar district head said shooting at Bentuyung wrapped up on Friday but would resume there in 14 days.

He said he had invited Roberts to dinner at the Ubud Palace but had not yet received a response to the invitation.

Filming is set for other areas of Ubud, including its central market and Monkey Forest. Other backdrops include Uluwatu on Bali’s southern tip and the fishing village of Jimbaran.

Bali Officials Restore Calm After Storm Over Shooting of Julia Roberts’ Film


President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, center, the first lady, Ani Yudhoyono, and Vice President Jusuf Kalla posing with ministers and former ministers from the largely disappointing 2004-9 cabinet and their spouses after a farewell party at Merdeka Palace. (Photo: Widodo S Jusuf, Antara

In recent days, as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has prepared to announce his new cabinet, prospective candidates and political parties have been cautious with their words.

Even the leaders of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), which has yet to decide whether to come in from the cold and embrace Yudhoyono’s Democratic Party, have tempered their comments, somewhat unusually.

Almost all of the political parties expected to have members in Yudhoyono’s cabinet have admitted to opening direct channels of communication to the Presidential Palace or Yudhoyono’s private residence in Cikeas, West Java.

But none has categorically stated it expected to get a ministerial post or that it has been promised one. This unusually tight-lipped approach may be due to the character of the man they are now trying to woo. Yudhoyono is known for his Javanese calm, his reserved attitude and considered approach, which his critics have described as indecisive.

At stake are 34 cabinet posts. Most come with power, privilege and, cynics say, business opportunities. They also offer the opportunity to steer the nation until the next presidential election in 2014.

All the President’s Criteria

Yudhoyono has indicated that many of the cabinet positions will fall to political appointees, much to the disappointment of many, given the president’s huge mandate.

He has also said candidates must have integrity, capacity, experience, skills and “acceptability.” Prospective members must also be able to work together to face the challenges ahead, he said.

Yudhoyono — who in his last term dumped many under-performing or controversial ministers — promised to routinely evaluate the performances of the new cabinet members. The first review would be held after a year and the second after two and a half years, he said.

He has also ordered members of his party to keep quiet, and warned against anyone attempting to exploit the situation during the selection process.

“With all my weaknesses, I don’t need a political broker,” he said.

New Faces, Same Story?

Many analysts have encouraged Yudhoyono to refuse to pander to the interests of his vanquished political foes.

They have urged him to simply choose the right people for cabinet positions, the ones without ties to the same old political parties, many of which are widely perceived as corrupt.

However, he is expected to form a cabinet with a makeup similar to the existing one: evenly split between technocrats and those chosen for political reasons.

Siti Zuhro, a political analyst from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), said maintaining 34 cabinet ministers would hamper any attempts to reform the bureaucracy and the poor coordination between ministries.

Cecep Effendy, a political expert from the Indonesian Institute, said a bulky cabinet would be hard to avoid because Yudhoyono would try to please all the disparate groups that supported him.

“In Yudhoyono’s political concept, he’s the kind of person who accommodates all interests. He thinks that cabinet seats should be shared by all, and will even add more seats if possible for the sake of his administration,” he said.

A ‘C’ For First Term

In a poll released on Thursday, 91 percent of respondents said they wanted fresh faces in the cabinet. The survey by Stratos Strategic Policy showed the vast majority wanted a totally reformed cabinet, with only 6 percent believing change was unnecessary. However, 59 percent believed the current cabinet had performed well, with 38 percent calling its performance poor.

Jimmy Siahaan, a political analyst and senior researcher at the Public Policy Study Center, said the 59 percent figure equated to a passing grade. “We can give them a ‘C,’ ” Jimmy said. “There have been no political achievements so special that the cabinet deserved a higher mark.”

Jimmy said the public’s negative sentiment was mostly due to the government’s inability to handle bureaucratic bottlenecks and corruption, which he said was compounded by the lack of coordination between ministries and a lack of leadership.

Rocky Gerung, a political analyst from the University of Indonesia, said the surveys showed that though people may have trusted the president, they didn’t trust his cabinet.

“Economic and political conditions have not gotten better,” he said. “What has been claimed as significant economic growth was actually normal. Without input from the ministers, the economy would still have grown.”

Rocky suggested that Yudhoyono should not deceive his voters by selecting a cabinet from the competing parties, such as the PDI-P and Golkar Party.

“He’ll just disappoint the voters in the long term,” he said.

The five years ahead of the 2014 election will be a testing time for the cabinet, with political parties jostling for the presidency when Yudhoyono is forced to step down at the end of his allowable two five-year terms.

All’s Quiet as Indonesian President Picks Cabinet

Just 70 percent of the small bank notes prepared by the central bank for Ramadan and Idul Fitri actually went into circulation. (Photo: JG)

Bank Indonesia said demand for cash fell 14 percent during Ramadan and Idul Fitri, indicating that consumers had refrained from their usual full-tilt holiday spending sprees and that domestic demand, while still relatively strong, was starting to ease.

Only Rp 43 trillion ($4.5 billion) of the Rp 54.2 trillion in bank notes that the central bank had prepared for circulation were absorbed, the bank said.

“Last year [cash put into circulation] totaled Rp 50.3 trillion,” said Yopie D Alimuddin, the central bank’s deputy director for currency circulation.

Yopie said most of the bank notes flowing out of the banking system were small-denomination bills, but even demand for small notes was weaker than expected.

Only 70 percent of the small bills prepared for circulation during Ramadan and Idul Fitri were absorbed, he said.

Yopie said demand for bank notes was affected by economic growth, inflation, deposit interest rates and the value of the rupiah against the US dollar.

He said the appetite for cash usually increased if economic growth was strong, inflation was high, deposit rates were low and the rupiah was strong.

“Currently, inflation is quite low, interest rates have fallen and the currency is strong, so that should increase demand for cash,” he said.

Yopie added that noncash transactions also fell during the fasting month compared with last year, but he was unable to offer figures.

Eric Alexander Sugandi, an economist at Standard Chartered Bank, said domestic GDP growth would bottom out in the third quarter, but domestic consumption, while rising, would continue to slow in the months ahead compared with last year.

“Growth in domestic consumption in the third quarter this year is expected to be at 4 percent, lower than the 5.3 percent during the same period last year. Looking at declining optimism recorded in the August Consumer Confidence Index, we expect consumption to keep slowing for several months,” he said.

Bank Indonesia’s Consumer Confidence Index retreated 1.1 points to 114.3 points in August amid worries about short-term inflation, particularly for liquefied petroleum gas, electricity and road toll fees.

Although declining demand for cash is expected to have hit the retail sector, traditionally one of the most profitable sectors during Ramadan and Idul Fitri, some players remained confident about consumer demand.

Retailers expressed confidence in strong sales results despite the slowdown, saying consumers were still in relatively good shape.

“Despite demand for cash during Idul Fitri being weaker this year, we expect it would not bother our sales because people would still need primary goods whatever the conditions,” said PT Matahari Putra Prima spokesperson Roy Mandey.

Roy said sales from Ramadan and Idul Fitri contributed 10 percent to 15 percent of the company’s annual revenue.

“Although the crisis has hampered spending, we believe the retail business could maintain 15 to 20 percent growth, with store expansions,” he said.

Soft Demand for Cash During Indonesia's Fasting Month


Singapore. Lewis Hamilton produced a masterful drive to win Sunday’s Singapore Grand Prix ahead of Timo Glock and Fernando Alonso as Jenson Button got more points on the board to shore up his championship lead.

Starting from first on the grid, Briton Hamilton led from start to finish in difficult driving conditions to take the checkered flag in his McLaren, 9.6 seconds ahead of the Toyota.

It was his second win of the season, after Hungary, and the 11th of his career.

Spain’s Alonso, who won here last year in controversial circumstances when Nelson Piquet Jr. deliberately crashed, brought some cheer to Renault with a hard-fought third to make the podium again.

That left Germany’s Sebastien Vettel to take fourth but it could have been much better.

The Red Bull driver was second and in a close-fought battle with Hamilton, but after pitting for a second time on lap 39, exited too quickly and incurred a drive-through penalty.

At least he finished one place ahead of championship leader Button, but with just three races left in the season, the gap between the two drivers is 25 points and Vettel’s chances of catching the Briton are disappearing.

Button now has 84 points with his Brawn GP teammate Rubens Barrichello 15 behind after ending sixth here under the lights.

Heikki Kovalainen in the second McLaren finished seventh and BMW Sauber’s Robert Kubica was eighth.

The Brawn pair now look certain to deliver the constructors’ championship to their eponymous team chief, Ross Brawn, in the outfit’s first season, with one of them likely to be crowned world champion.

The front row of the grid was always going to be decisive on the bumpy Marina Bay street circuit, where overtaking is difficult, and Hamilton made the most of starting on pole.

Nico Rosberg got past Vettel to be in second and Alonso had a storming start, powering to fourth from fifth.

Hamilton made no mistakes, though, protecting his lead to cruise to a well-deserved victory.

Agence France-Presse

Hamilton Cruises to the Checkered Flag in Singapore

Indonesia's Hendra Setiawan (left) and Markis Kido react after defeating compatriot Rian Sukmawan and Yonathan Suryatama Dasuki in the men's doubles final. (Toru Hanai, Reuters)

Either way the drought was over. The only question left on Sunday was who was going to hoist the trophy in Tokyo.

In the end it was men’s doubles world No. 1 team Markis Kido and Hendra Setiawan topping compatriots Rian Sukmawan and Yonathan Suryatama to put an end to the country’s eight-month Super Series title drought in the Japan Open final match on Sunday.

Markis and Hendra won 21-19, 24-22 to clinch the title.

Mixed doubles Nova Widianto and Liliyana Natsir picked up the country’s last Super Series title at the season opener in Malaysia in January.

“This is the moment I’ve been waiting for,” Markis told the Jakarta Globe in a text message. “We finally ended our title drought in Japan. I’m very happy.”

Japan marks the second title of the year for the pair after winning the Asian Championship crown in South Korea in April. The team had been sidelined for most of the season while Markis battled a knee injury and high-blood pressure.

In the men’s singles final, Indonesia fumbled the chance to leave Tokyo with another title when Taufik Hidayat lost 21-15, 21-12 to China’s Bao Chunlai.

Bao was simply too much for the Athens Olympic gold medalist, who seemed to lack his normal luster.

“I played patient. That’s why I won,” Bao said. “I expected it would be a tougher match, so I was surprised that I won in two games.”

Tokyo marked Bao’s fourth title of the season, following victories in the German Open, the Asian Championships and the Singapore Open.

China took two more Super Series titles with big wins in the women’s singles and doubles.

Wang Yihan retained her title after an easy win over compatriot Wang Xin, 21-8, 21-9. Wang said she had improved in every aspect of the game — strokes, physical strength and control of the shuttlecock — since she won her first Super Series victory in Tokyo last year.

Wang picked up her fifth crown of the season, with previous wins coming from the All England, German Open, Swiss Open and Macau Open.

China’s Ma Jin and Wang Xiaoli silenced the home crowd by defeating seventh seed Miyuki Maeda and Satoko Suetsuna, 21-19, 21-18.

But the biggest upset of the tournament came when unseeded Songphon Anugritayawon and Kunchala Voravichitchaikul of Thailand downed sixth-seeded Joachim Fischer Nielsen and Christinna Pedersen of Denmark, 13-21, 21-16, 22-20, in the mixed doubles final.

“I’m very happy, because this is the first time we won a title outside our country,” Songphon said.

He added that they were following in the footsteps of compatriots Sudket Prapakamol and Saralee Thungthongkam, who won the Japan Open mixed doubles final in 2005.

The next Super Series events are the Hong Kong Open and the China Open in November.

Indonesia's Hendra and Markis Shine at Tokyo Badminton Tourney

Tensions between Indonesia and Malaysia over the issue of cultural thievery may not be resolved any time soon, as a Malaysian Web site was recently found to be claiming the gamelan as part of its cultural heritage.

Malaysia’s official Web site for cultural heritage, www.warisan.gov.my, lists gamelan in its national heritage section, in third place after the boria and zapin dances.

But music expert Remy Sylado told the Jakarta Globe that the gamelan has its roots in Javanese culture and dates back to the first Saka era (circa AD 230). That would mean gamelan was already in Java long before Borobudur Temple was built in Central Java during the 8th century.

Reached by the Globe by telephone, the deputy head of mission at the Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta, Amran Mohamed Zain, refused to comment on the Web site’s claim.

Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism spokesman Turman Siagian said there had been no discussion regarding the list on the Malaysian Web site, which was last updated on May 13.

“We did not know about the list, but if I am not mistaken, the zapin dance also belongs to Indonesia,” he said. “We will discuss this matter soon.”

Remy said two Dutch researchers, Jaap Kunsp and Brandt-Buys, wrote about the gamelan in a book published in 1930, “The Music of Java,” which states that the gamelan has Javanese cultural roots.

“If the Javanese gamelan developed and was exported, its cultural roots are still undeniably Javanese,” he said.

However, gamelan expert Rahayu Supanggah told the Globe that Malaysia was within its rights to claim the gamelan as part of its cultural heritage, because the Malaysian gamelan is different from the Javanese version.

Rahayu added that the gamelan was not exclusive to Java, with many tribes on other islands, including Borneo, and in other countries having their own versions.

“The Malaysian gamelan has fewer instruments than the Javanese, and thus fewer players,” he said. “A Javanese gamelan needs 25 players, while a Malaysian gamelan needs only seven or eight players.”

Repertoire, scale and instrumentation are also different, he added.

Rahayu said Indonesians and Malaysians came from the same roots and thus shared many similarities in their traditional arts.

On Sept. 17, Malaysia’s state news agency, Bernama, reported that the country would study Unesco’s listing of batik as an Indonesian cultural heritage. The report said the Malaysian government wanted to ensure that the decision would not have a bearing on traditional batik making in the country.

In response, Turman Siagian from Indonesia’s Culture Ministry said, “They may react [to the listing], but we will get the recognition anyway.”

Malaysian Claim to Gamelan May Raise Tensions With Indonesia

If all the IPO proceeds go to Mandiri, says the bank's president-director, Garuda will not have the money it needs to expand.

Taxpayers may end up having to cover Rp 2.3 trillion ($237 million) in unpaid interest on PT Garuda Indonesia’s debts if the airline is to go public next year, PT Bank Mandiri said this week.

State-owned Mandiri, the country’s largest lender by assets, said on Wednesday that it would ask Garuda and the state to pay Rp 3.36 trillion in principal including interest, three times the bank’s initial estimate of Rp 1.01 trillion. The total takes into account an 18 percent annual rate.

“Our own rough calculation of Garuda’s debt is that it will stand at Rp 3.36 trillion by June 2010,” said Abdul Rachman, Mandiri’s director for special asset management. “This figure is based on 18 percent of internal rate return agreed on in 2001 when [Garuda and Mandiri] agreed to restructure the debt into mandatory convertible bonds.

“If Garuda’s initial public offering does not occur until after June, then that amount will increase,” Abdul added.

Mandatory convertible bonds have a redemption feature that requires the holder to convert them into the underlying common stock.

Garuda is planning an initial public offering in mid-2010, which the government hopes will generate $400 million in capital by selling as much as 40 percent of its equity. The plan to go public was approved by the House of Representatives last year.

Agus Martowardoyo, Mandiri’s president director, said that if all the IPO proceeds went to Mandiri, then Garuda would “not have the money to expand.” Therefore, “we will claim the rest from the government.”

Garuda management disagreed sharply with Mandiri’s figures, saying that the airline owed the bank just $100 million in principal, while the rest was the government’s responsibility as the carrier’s sole shareholder.

Emirsyah Satar, Garuda’s president director, said that based on the carrier’s accounting, the company only owed Mandiri $100 million.

“It’s a big mistake. Garuda does not owe Rp 3.36 trillion,” Emirsyah said. “The MCB must be paid with shares, not money.”

Emirsyah added that in 2001 the government, represented by the Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK), guaranteed Mandiri an 18 percent internal return rate for Garuda’s debt when it turned into mandatory convertible bonds.

“It will not come from Garuda, it will come from the shareholders,” Emirsyah said, adding that the breakdown of the MCB would have been that “from $100 million, Garuda will pay $5 million as goodwill and the rest will be converted into shares. There will be 967,000 shares for Mandiri, equal to Rp 967 billion.”

In 2001, Garuda restructured its $100 million outstanding debt to Mandiri over a period of five years, with the debt maturing in 2006 under an MCB scheme.

But in 2006, when Garuda offered Mandiri the opportunity to convert its loans into shares, the bank refused because the airline was unprofitable. The debt was extended until 2008.

The finalization of Garuda’s debt with Mandiri is vital for the company to go public. All of Garuda’s estimated $800 million is being restructured this year.

Garuda Debt to Fall on Indonesian Taxpayers?

For the last month, Formula One has been traumatized by allegations from a back-of-the field driver that last September’s Singapore Grand Prix was fixed by a crash prearranged by the Renault racing team that enabled its lead driver to leap from a midfield position to an upset victory.

Many in the sport fear that if the allegation is proven it could be the equivalent of the 1919 World Series for Formula One: a scandal that tops all previous upheavals and one that rocks the already shaky finances of the sport, threatening billions of dollars of investment by some of the world’s largest auto companies and corporate sponsors.

Those fears appeared to be confirmed on Wednesday when the British-based Renault racing team — financed at a cost of $300 million a year by the Paris-based Renault company — announced it would not contest the race-fixing allegation when Formula One’s governing body, the International Automobile Federation (FIA), convenes a tribunal to hear the allegations in Paris on Monday.

“The Renault Formula One team will not dispute the recent allegations made by the FIA concerning the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix,” the team said in a statement.

The statement said the two men alleged to have set up the crash, both veterans of past championships, have left the team. Flavio Briatore, a 58-year-old Italian, was the team’s managing director, and Pat Symonds, a 55-year-old Englishman, was the team’s engineering director. In Paris, the federation announced it would go ahead with the tribunal. Possible penalties include banning Renault from the sport.

The day’s developments represented the greatest crisis in the history of a series that has cast itself as the pinnacle of international motor sport, and as a showcase for aerospace-style, groundbreaking technologies that Formula One insiders believe give their series an edge over the more tightly restricted, cost-conscious engineering formulas of Nascar and the Indy Car series that dominate American racing.

Formula One’s stability had been deeply shaken before this scandal by other occurrences, including a $100 million fine imposed on Britain’s McLaren-Mercedes racing team two years ago after it was found to have obtained secret technical documents from Italy’s Ferrari team .

Briatore announced last week that he had launched a lawsuit in France that said the crash allegations were part of an attempt by 24-year-old driver Nelson Piquet Jr. of Brazil and his father, Nelson, to “blackmail” the Renault team into keeping the younger Piquet as one of its two drivers. The younger Piquet was fired midway through this year’s 17-race schedule.

The Singapore race last year came close to the end of his first season in Formula One, when he was under heavy pressure from his team after a series of lackluster performances that had included crashes and an inability to match the speed of his teammate, Fernando Alonso of Spain, twice a winner of the Formula One championship with Renault.

Soon after his last race with Renault, the two Piquets approached the FIA with their allegations, details of which have been leaked in recent days to reporters covering Formula One, along with transcripts of FIA interviews with those involved. The two Brazilians said the younger Piquet had been told at a Singapore meeting with Briatore and Symonds that they wanted him to crash at a narrow spot on the track, shortly after an unusually early refueling stop by Alonso.

The plan, the Piquets said, was for debris from the crash to slow the field behind the safety car, allowing Alonso to seize the lead as the early front-runners made their own refueling stops.

As millions of television viewers around the world saw, Piquet crashed on the 14th lap of the nighttime race, after Alonso’s refueling stop on the 12th lap, bringing out the safety car. Alonso went on to win, as he did three weeks later in the Chinese Grand Prix, where there have been no suggestions of race fixing. Nothing in the leaked FIA documents showed Alonso was aware of the plans for the crash, and he has declined to comment, pending the Paris tribunal.

According to the leaked FIA documents, the younger Piquet said he was “in a very fragile and emotional state of mind” when he was asked to crash, because Briatore had refused to say whether his contract would be renewed for 2009.

Symonds was quoted in the documents as saying it was the younger Piquet who had raised the possibility of a crash. At another point, he was quoted as having told FIA investigators: “I have no intention of lying to you. I have not lied to you, but I have reserved my position just a little.”

For Formula One, the potential impact runs beyond the risk that Renault will be forced out of the series, or that Renault will quit the sport. The Paris tribunal will hear claims that the Renault managers organized the crash to snatch a victory that would persuade Renault bosses in Paris, looking for cost savings in the midst of a worldwide slump in car sales, not to pull out of Formula One.

Renault Race-Fixing Scandal Raises Concern for F1’s Future

[postlink]https://gustav-javamedia.blogspot.com/2009/09/most-wanted-booming-jw-marriot-hotel.html[/postlink]Noordin M Top 'May Be' Among Terror Raid Dead: Indonesian Television

Southeast Asia’s most wanted terrorist Noordin M Top “could be” one of the casualties of the Thursday morning terrorism raid in Solo, Central Java, Indonesian television stations have reported.

The fingerprints of one of the victims allegedly matched with those of Noordin in a police database, reported television stations Metro TV, TV One and RCTI.

Confirmation of a fingerprint match and DNA test would probably take two or three days.

AFP reported that a decapitated corpse believed to be Noordin's was among four bodies recovered after the early morning raid on a village house, according to an officer from the elite Densus 88 antiterror squad.

Asked if one of the suspected dead militants was believed to be Noordin, the officer told AFP on the condition of anonymity: "Yes, it's 90 percent [certain]."

Southeast Asia’s most wanted terrorist Noordin M Top “could be” one of the casualties of the Thursday morning terrorism raid in Solo, Central Java, Indonesian television stations have reported.

The fingerprints of one of the victims allegedly matched with those of Noordin in a police database, reported television stations Metro TV, TV One and RCTI.

Confirmation of a fingerprint match and DNA test would probably take two or three days.

AFP reported that a decapitated corpse believed to be Noordin's was among four bodies recovered after the early morning raid on a village house, according to an officer from the elite Densus 88 antiterror squad.

Asked if one of the suspected dead militants was believed to be Noordin, the officer told AFP on the condition of anonymity: "Yes, it's 90 percent [certain]."

The four bodies arrived at the National Police Hospital in East Jakarta at 11:45 a.m. on Thursday for identification and autopsies.

National Police will hold a press conference on the raid at their Jakarta headquarters this afternoon.

Noordin M Top is one of the most wanted terrorists in the region. He is believed to be the mastermind of at least five terrorist attacks in Indonesia, including the Bali bombing and the attacks at two luxury hotels in Jakarta in July.

National Police Chief Bambang Hendarso Danuri refused to give any comment about the rumors.

“I am still waiting for the reports from the field,” Bambang said in Nagrek, West Java. The police chief was there to supervise Idul Fitri holiday safety preparations.

A senior government counterterrorism official told the Jakarta Globe that Noordin's death was still unconfirmed.

“We don’t know [for sure] and we don’t want to make the same mistake [as before]," the official said, referring to when Noordin was misreported as dead following a raid in Temanggung, Central Java, last month.

“We don’t know who these police sources are, or how dependable they are. We don’t dare go on the record at this time.”


[postlink]https://gustav-javamedia.blogspot.com/2009/09/rockets-simulated-lunar-landing-contest.html[/postlink]Rockets vie in simulated lunar landing contest

OS ANGELES – A privately built rocket vying for NASA prize money lifted off in the Mojave Desert and flew half of a simulated lunar lander mission Wednesday before an engine problem forced its developers to call off the attempt until next month.

The flight of Masten Space Systems' unmanned "Xombie" at Mojave Air and Space Port comes just days after another competitor, Armadillo Aerospace, qualified for the $1 million top prize with two flights in Texas.

The Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge is funded by NASA and presented by the X Prize Foundation, the group behind the $10 million competition won in 2004 by SpaceShipOne, the first privately developed manned rocket to reach space and prototype for a fleet of space tourism rockets.

The remotely controlled Xombie is competing for second-place in the first level of the competition, which requires a flight from one pad to another and back within two hours and 15 minutes. Each flight must rise 164 feet and last 90 seconds. How close the rocket lands to the pad's center is also a factor.

Level 2 requires 180-second flights and a rocky moonlike landing pad. The energy used is equivalent to that needed for a real descent from lunar orbit to the surface of the moon and a return to orbit, said Peter Diamandis, founder of the X Prize.

The Xombie made one 93-second flight and landed within 8 inches of the pad's center, according to Tom Dietz, a competition spokesman.

David Masten, president and chief executive of Masten Space Systems, said the first leg of the flight was perfect but an internal engine leak was detected during an inspection before the return flight.

"We saw a little bit of an issue ... in the engine and decided that the engine probably would not survive through another 90-second flight," he said.

The problem had occurred previously, usually after three or four engine firings, but was believed to have been fixed. Masten said the engine had been through a dozen firings without problems prior to Wednesday.

Masten nonetheless considered the flight a success.

"Other than that engine problem the vehicle was very well behaved," he said.

The rockets in the lander competition look like plumber's playthings — all pipes and tanks without the sleek fairings, fancy paint and decals seen on launch vehicles that carry satellites into orbit.

"If a rocket doesn't look like a flying propellant tank it's actually not a very efficient rocket," said John Carmack, the Armadillo Aerospace founder whose "Scorpius" rocket holds the lead in the lander challenge.

On Sept. 12, the Scorpius successfully made two flights in the Level 2 competition and will win the $1 million top prize if no other contender does better.

Last year, Armadillo won first place and $350,000 in the Level 1 competition.

In early October, Masten will try again to win the Level 1 second-place prize of $150,000 and, if possible, try to outdo Armadillo's performance in Level 2.

Still to be heard from is a team that calls itself Unreasonable Rocket. It and any other contenders have until Oct. 31 to attempt flights.

Diamandis said it remains a competition despite Armadillo's lead.

"I think that Armadillo has a number of years ahead of Masten and other companies in terms of their development, but it's not over till it's over," he said.

The real winners, he said, will be the public and NASA, which will have new technologies and development strategies to choose from.

"We're seeing the Apple and Microsoft of the rocket generation being developed right now," he said. "You have to remember these are companies that are building these rocket vehicles with a half a dozen people for pennies on the dollar."

Northrop Grumman is providing operational funding for the competition.

Rockets simulated lunar landing contest

[postlink]https://gustav-javamedia.blogspot.com/2009/09/inter-draw-with-baeca-in-league.html[/postlink]Inter hold Barcelona in drab stalemate

MILAN, Italy (AFP) – Inter Milan held title-holders Barcelona to a 0-0 draw in their Champions League Group F opener at the San Siro on Wednesday in a match which failed to live up to pre-match hype.

The game was billed as a clash between Samuel Eto'o and Zlatan Ibrahimovic, both playing against the team they left only two months ago, but neither they nor talents such as Lionel Messi and Xavi could break the deadlock in a turgid stalemate.

Perhaps unsurprisingly for such a big match between two European heavyweights so early in the competition it was a cagey affair dominated by defences.

But that suited Inter boss Jose Mourinho.

"It's the beginning of the competition, it's the first match. It's not an easy group, it's no joke," he said. "There are other groups that seem like a joke and one without a single national champion, in ours there are four champions.

"It's a good point against the European champions who at the moment play the best football in Europe.

"I'm happy with the way we played, with the concentration. Defensively the game went well."

Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola said his team needed to create more to win the game but did not point the finger of blame at Ibrahimovic, who had a largely quiet game.

"Maybe we didn't have many chances but it's never easy to play against Italian teams. There's nothing more to it, we just didn't have many chances," he said.

"Ibrahimovic did well, he had a good chance in the first half. Less so in the second but it's never easy and he kept trying so I'm happy with him."

Barcelona were quickly into their running, passing the ball around confidently.

Messi needed only two minutes to work some space on the edge of the box but his shot was too close to Julio Cesar in the Inter goal.

The Spaniards were dictating play and Brazilian international Dani Alves released former Inter striker Ibrahimovic on eight minutes with a simple diagonal crossfield ball.

It was the chance the big Sweden forward must have been dreaming of in the build up to the game as he sought to silence the critics who jeered him on his return to the club he walked out on in the summer.

His first touch to control the ball on his chest was exquisite but the grandstand finish he craved did not materialise as he sliced his right-foot volley high and wide.

Alves was finding acres of space down the right as Sulley Muntari failed time and again to track him and the Brazilian picked out Messi with a cross but the little Argentine wizard's header lacked power.

It was almost the half hour mark when Inter managed to gain a foothold in the game and a long ball released Diego Milito who turned inside Gerard Pique but shot too close to Victor Valdes.

Moments later Eto'o teed up Wesley Sneijder but the former Real Madrid midfielder couldn't keep his shot down.

Barcelona should have gone in front on 41 minutes as an inch perfect Xavi chip over the defence picked out Alves, but his first touch took him backwards and he opted to play the ball back to Kader Keita rather than shoot, with the Malian midfielder screwing his effort well wide.

In the last minute of the half Messi cut in off the right wing in typical fashion but Cesar was equal to his shot.

Inter started the second half well with Sneijder firing just wide on 47 minutes but Barcelona quickly re-asserted control without creating more than a half chance.

Inter were still lively on the counter-attack and Eto'o released Milito on 66 minutes but the Argentine hesitated before setting up substitute Dejan Stankovic whose shot dipped just over.

Barcelona finally created a gilt-edged opportunity when Thierry Henry's scuffed shot on 73 minutes squeaked through to the edge of the six-yard box where both Messi and Alves ran onto it.

But the Argentine, over-stretching, nicked the ball off the better-placed Brazilian's foot and cleared the cross-bar.

inter draw with barca in league champions

[postlink]https://gustav-javamedia.blogspot.com/2009/09/favorite-area-for-wealthy-young.html[/postlink]Washington, D.C. favorite area for wealthy young

NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – Washington, D.C. has become the favorite area for wealthy young adults, with the nation's highest percentage of 25-34 year-olds making more than $100,000 a year, according to a new analysis.

Sixteen of the top 50 counties in the United States with the highest share of wealthy young people are in the Washington, D.C. area.

Loudoun county, which is part of the Washington metropolitan area, has 10 percent, or 10,327 young adults, making more than six figures -- more than San Francisco and New York in terms of percentage of the population.


"In 1990 you had a lot more concentration of this demographic in the heartland and in Texas, likely driven by the oil economy, and some of the agribusiness," Michael Mancini, of The Nielsen Company, said in a statement.

"But now, there is a densification of young money in major metros." he added.

Arlington County, in Virginia near Washington, D.C. captured the second spot, followed by San Francisco, Manhattan and Douglas County, which is situated between Denver and Colorado Springs in Colorado.

Just under 16 percent of households in the United States are headed by people aged 25-34 years old, whose median income is $49,754. Slightly more over than 13 percent in that age group earn more than $100,000 a year, according to Nielsen.

The overall national median income is $51,287. Highest incomes usually correlate to the highest earning years which are 45-54.

Nielsen compiled the rankings using information from the U.S. Postal service, and data on income, age and household size from Equifax, which compiles credit reporting data.

"It is all based on the percent of the population in the county that matches a demographic," Mancini explained in an interview.

The Washington D.C. area has become increasingly popular with young people during the last two decades, according to Nielsen.

Mancini believes part of the appeal of the Washington area is jobs in both the private and public sector. It also has strong education and healthcare institutions, a moderate climate and easy access to recreational facilities.

"What often happens is that those factors attract the young and educated who then end up staying," he explained.

Forsyth County in Georgia, which is part of the Atlanta metropolitan area, Alexandria City in Virginia, Delaware County north of Columbus, Ohio, Scott County in Minnesota and Broomfield County which is part of the Denver area, rounded out the top 10 counties.

favorite area for wealthy young